edci 338

Blog Post #10-Why Media Literacy matters in your PLN

Consider this week’s guest 

The guest for this week is Mo Amir, who is responsible for a political and cultural podcast as a volunteer. He described how he has built his social networks and how the network has contributed to his podcast. Since the podcast is dedicated to making interviews, it’s important to invite guests from all walks of life. Mo Amir makes use of his business networks. Besides, once the podcast gets publicized, the colleagues or friends of the invited guest would also reach Mo Amir, which helps expand his network. Through the process of accumulation, Mo Amir can continue on his work of the podcast.

Can your PLN be used to help professional development post-course?

I think my PLN can be used to help professional development for the following reasons. First of all, I have embraced people engaged in different jobs, from whom I may get effective information. Secondly, I put emphasis on content creation on my social media. Although the posts on social media may not be well-received at first, I believe the posts are possible to express my own voice and foster communication in the long run. Thirdly, according to the book social media and emerging economies, people are motivated to use social media because it is possible to help people create content, build a community, encourage authentic messages, and promote new marketing opportunities. I believe the content and the communication on my social media may attract potential customers, helping me enlarge my marketing possibilities. 

Can your PLN be relied on to open professional opportunities?

I think my PLN is possible to create more career opportunities for me. First, I have collected the contacts of my teachers and classmates from different majors. Once we graduated, I can still be informed about what my classmates are working on and they can possibly provide me with job opportunities since they know exactly about what I am good at. Secondly, I have followed some professionals about how to seek jobs, how to handle job interviews, and how to adapt the life in the workplace. Understanding such information beforehand can help me with later career options. 


M. Guidice, M. Peruta. E. Caravannis (2014). Social Media and Emerging Economies. ISBN : 978-3-319-02489-9

Miller, J., & Amir, M. (2021, October 24). Edci podcast – 2021-10-24 mo amir. YouTube. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgoDet6pwaI.


  1. Hey Qining Liu,

    Thank you for your post. Personally, my PLNs have opened up so many professional opportunities. I am still thinking about what I want my career to look like and connecting with many individuals with a variety of views, connections and mindsets is extremely beneficial. LinkedIn is a great source for this!

  2. Hi Qingning Liu.

    Thank you for your post, I like how you remember to collect your PLN’s contact information. This is a good preparation for job search later on. I have just started my job search in Linkedin, personally, I don’t really see the benefit of it, maybe because I didn’t use it correctly. I followed my teachers and some of my classmates, and I find they are also not very active on this platform, maybe I will switch another method later on.

  3. Thanks for sharing! i liked and agreed with your comment that your PLN can be relied on to provide professional opportunities. The contacts formed throughout a degree can be useful in the future for getting possible jobs and meeting even more people. An inclusive professional PLN can open many doors for the future.

  4. Hi Qining, Thank you for sharing! I agree with you that one can use the PLN’s conversation to sensitize people on general concerns and solve problems. The online community can participate in different debates that are critical to their political, social, and economic welfare. Therefore, PLN can be highly influential, especially when it is highly diversified.

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