edci 338

Blog Post #7 – Community engagement is public communications

o What are the benefits of a diverse and inclusive PLN in social media sharing that understands where you are coming from with messaging that impacts the community?

For content creators, a diverse and inclusive PLN can have many benefits. Firstly, if PLN is inclusive enough, it can attract many people to read the content, which can enlarge the content’s influence. Secondly, if PLN is diverse, which means the audience is from different backgrounds and may hold varied opinions about the content, the creators can learn from various perspectives. This can also be applied in the field of politics. Nowadays, as we have entered the era of public media 2.0 which is mainly based on the internet network and social platforms, many governments and their officials have updated their work online and encouraged the public to engage in the discussion. Public communications and engagement are so important because only in this way can the government be aware of the realities of the common people and formulate correspondingly beneficial regulations. 

Consider the audiences and how we adapt our messaging accordingly.

To reach the audience, there are some things that we can do. First, we should find out the preference of our targeted readers. For example, as the form of short-video become more and more popular among people, it may be advisable to adopt such a form to reach our audience. Second, we need to make sure our content is truly useful and effective for our audience. Today people’s attention can only last for a short time, thus, if we cannot produce good content to attract people’s attention they may soon lose interest. 

One successful example I know about is a Chinese middle-aged policeman who has been working on fighting against fraud for years. He found out that although the approaches used by the fraudsters are so common, many people even well-educated students can still fall into the traps. To attract people’s concern, he started making short videos and live-streaming to encourage people to download an official app to study knowledge about fraud. He has been successful because he understands what his audience prefers and needs. 

Research our guest and see how they leveraged their network into a campaign. Reflect in your blog of this effort.

Markiel Simpson is our guest and we can see that he is not only working as a building manager but also engaging himself in a lot of political organizations and communities. It intrigues us where he starts from and how he turns his enthusiasm for social issues into real-life practices. He fights for the interests and rights of people of color. He was initially working on his research. Under this context, he gathered a lot of people together for a meeting, including different stakeholders and organizers. Once formed the network, it would be easier for him to achieve his goal and proceed with his campaign. 


Miller & Simpson. (2021, June 1). Jesse Miller: EDCI – 338 MARKIEL SIMPSON [Video]. Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsoDHGaXNNs&feature=youtu.be.

Jansen, S. C., Pooley, J., & Taub-Pervizpour, L., 1967. (2011). Media and social justice (1st ed.). Palgrave Macmillan.


  1. Hey Qining Liu,

    I agree with you that finding out the preference of our targeted readers will help make learning more engaging, fun and enjoyable. I am one of those people with a short attention span so short chunks of prominent information work best for me personally. Additionally, if you understand how your audience takes in information, you are able to cater and adapt accordingly.

  2. Hey Qining Liu,I really like the story of the Chinese middle-aged police that you shared. Indeed, in this information age, there are many criminals who use theft of other people’s information to defraud. In order to raise the public’s vigilance, the police have done a good job, because now people are on the Internet. I don’t pay much attention to the information that can improve prevention, and I prefer to pay attention to entertainment information. Therefore, in my opinion, the police’s approach is very advocated, and it can well raise the public’s attention.

  3. Hi Qingning Liu,
    I enjoyed your story of the Chinese middle-aged police! I think the logic of knowing your audience before you post anything online is the same as knowing customer behaviour in business. When we have an idea what audience want, our message can be modified and get to the audience easier. This strategy is actually very common in the advertisement industry, they know their intended audience, and they would use various means to attract the audience.

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